• DOUBLETAKE 08: “Taking a second look at race and racism in the 2008 presidential elections”

  • Campaign Events

    Sat, October 25th, 3-6:30pm
    The Ballot Box and Beyond
    UCLA Labor Center
    675 S Park View St [map it]
    Los Angeles, CA 90057


“DoubleTake” is a part a of The Ballot Box and Beyond Campaign, a project of the Active Resistance organizing arm of AWARE-LA.

On this blog, you’ll find news analysis and commentary on the 2008 presidential election from an anti-racist perspective. We will highlight how whiteness and white privilege go unexamined, how the right and media use racism to frame the presidential contest, and moments of anti-racist response by organizations and individuals.

We represent an organization called AWARE-LA: Alliance of White Anti-Racists Everywhere – Los Angeles. As anti-racist white folks, we feel like we haven’t heard or seen white people speaking up against racism throughout the election season. But in light of Barack Obama’s candidancy, people across the nation ARE talking about race. This blog represents our response to this national dialogue, and our attempt to help direct the conversation toward an active practice of racial justice.

Help make this blog a participatory online tool! Send to friends, start conversations, link to our articles, and send us your observations of race and racism in the presidential (or state!) elections by leaving comments or send emails from where you are: awarela@gmail.com


“The Ballot Box and Beyond”

White Anti-Racists Stand for Racial Justice in the 08 Elections!

This IS an historic presidential election… and yet despite the “change” rhetoric offered by both presidential contenders, we’ve still seen a lot of racism from the right, the media, and even Democrats this election season!

A Person of Color as Commander In Chief would truly break ground… and yet the nation still struggles with systemic racism and oppression. That won’t change over night no matter who is elected. For a just and sustainable world for all: we must take action from our communities!

The Ballot Box and Beyond is a non-partisan campaign to:

  • Call out the ways racism pervades the national dialogue surrounding the elections, and especially how white privilege goes unexamined. We’ll question everything from politicos, journalists, folks quoted in the media to racism in media angles and what’s NOT being said!
  • Engage with the excitement connected to the election to help build a movement for social, racial, economic and environmental justice! A lot of folks are politically enthusiastic right now… so how to we keep that excitement alive and funnel it into grassroots efforts after the election!?
  • Use this political moment to encourage white people in particular to take a stand against racism in their communities by committing to anti-racist practice and study.
  • Recognize and celebrate the many grassroots responses against racism this presidential cycle

You can find related news and analysis on this blog throughout the elections and beyond.

Join Us!

  • Help make this blog a participatory online tool. Send to friends, start conversations, link to our articles, and send us your observations of race and racism in the presidential (or state!) elections by leaving comments or send emails from where you are: awarela@gmail.com
  • Organize an event in your community that questions race and racism this election cycle, and builds grassroots social change after the election has come and gone. Contact us for support and ideas: awarela@gmail.com

For more information, please read our “Open Letter to White Progressives and Activists.”